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selected online publications

Georgia Review"Campus Maximus"


Narrative: "Local Color" (winner of 2020 Spring Story/Essay Contest)


Gulf Coast: "'Brave, or lonely, or free enough to ask': Hoagland in Retrospect"


DIAGRAM: "Transmissions"


West Branch: "The Cloud, The Desktop, and the Poetics of No-Place" (nominated for Pushcart Prize)


Shenandoah: "On Association"


Marginalia (LARB): "The Art of War Poetry"


Jacobin: "Rebranding Amtrak" (reprinted on TIME Magazine's "Five Best Ideas of the Day")


Marginalia (LARB): "The Poetics of Tragedy: Elliot Rodger, Seth Abramson, and Art's Role in Tragedy"


Michigan Quarterly Review: "Bad Faith: The Worst First Date of an OKCupid Moderator" (Best American Essays 2015, Notable Essay)


The New Inquiry: "All Cozy Now"


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